Pomodoro timer

This website is a way to learn a app development


  1. A Pomodoro Timer built with HTML ,CSS ,and JavaScript .This simple yet effective combination of HTML ,CSS ,and JavaScript creates an engaging user experience by presenting a timer to track their time.






  1. Enables the user to set a timer for certain minutes (this is one Pomodoro session)&Focus solely on the task for the entire that certain minute.
  2. After those minutes, take a short break (around 5 minutes).
  3. Time of sessions can be adjusted according to the users necessity between a range of 1-60 mins.
  4. Reset the session if required.
  5. User friendly interface with a stylish design.


  1. Index.html :Defines the webpage structure including a timer, a start ,restart and set buttons and a space to adjust the time as required.
  2. Style.css: Provides style for the webpage
  3. Script.js: implements the random quote generation logic.

Neha NV
Fidha k naufal
Amrutha p
Nandana s rajeev

l create a pomodoro timer website using html, css, javascript.

2 March 2024

Planning to create a website based on pomodoro timer from problem statement

2 March 2024

Project created by Neha NV

2 March 2024